Monday, June 9, 2008

Game on

So after a couple weeks break, I am back in training mode...and it's about time, with Wasatch Back only 11 days from now.

Last week I ran over 20 miles. It felt really good. My longest run, on Friday, was 7 miles and it was nice to not even be sore after a run that long. I took Kate in the stroller and she did great, but I just keep telling myself I've GOT to get up in the morning for my runs!

Tonight I did 6 miles, and since my final leg of Wasatch Back is downhill to begin with then goes back up halfway through, I drove my car to the top of the hill and ran 3 miles down and turned around and ran 3 miles back up. Usually when I do this route I go up first and down second. Anyway, the first half was a total breeze!! But man, I didn't think I was going to make it back up that hill. But I did. Here I sit, having lived to type about it.

Feels good to be training again. My whole life gets in better balance when I exercise regularly.


MaKayle said...

My brother and sister-in-law are doing this race too!

Natalie said...

HEY YOU- RACE IS TOMORROW? The next day? I'm excited and definitely nervous for you. Not because I think you can't do it, but because I know I can't do it. So kick the wasatch back in the butt! I'm way proud of you Lyd.